Monday, April 28, 2008

Let the campaign begin!

Well, week 4 has begun since my former partner graced the MIKE-FM studios in the morning. Since then there has been a 'nationwide search' for 'candidates' to take his place. I, too, have placed my hat into the ring as a candidate.

Yet as we enter week 4, I have seen hide nor hair of these other 'candidates' - other than a very vieled 'promo announcement' of these candidates. I have extended the invation to debate these 'candidates' in a public forum, yet there has been no response. Nada. Zilch. They haven't even said "Boo!" to me. Sounds to me like they're running scared.

So, I've decided go go on the offensive. Make the first move. I've put together my 'campaign' ads which explain my opponents' positions and where I stand on the issues. You can click the links below (or right-click them to save the spots to your computer) to hear them for yourself:

Campaign 2008 Spot #1
Campaign 2008 Spot #2
Campaign 2008 Spot #3
Campaign 2008 Spot #4
Campaign 2008 Spot #5

Give a listen... and make the right choice!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Kids And Drama... not what you think.

As a single dad of three grade school-aged kids, I have been a first-party recipient of kids drama. With the adjustments to our lifestyle when I became a single dad late last year, drama became a daily occurance, especially with my 6-year-old daughter. Throwing fits, refusing to do what she was told, and her having many 'moods' became all part of her repitoire.

It took much patience on my part - always showing love and not loosing my cool (too much), along with a little outside 'help' to quell these episodes. Thankfully, these incidences have subsided and she and I are back to having great 'drama-free' times together.

But the 'kids drama' I want to talk about today is not behavorial. A couple months ago we interviewed on the Morning Show Miranda Sue Hartmann from the All-Of-Us-Express Children's Theatre - a great group that lets kids experience the full realm of putting on stage preformances for the general public. From acting, set design and building, costumes, makeup, and props the kids at All-Of-Us-Express Children's Theatre get the full experience of putting on stage productions - all on their own. Miranda has a passion and genuine excitement for this group which was more than evident in our interview - something I was truly captivated by and admire in her.

Tonight, April 25, the All-Of-Us-Express Children's Theatre is teaming up with the Riverwalk Theatre to to open a joint production of the Rudyard Kipling classic "Jungle Book" running weekends through May 4th. I will be going to see a performance of this production with great enthusiasm. Seeing kids learning the ropes in 'donning the cap and bells' and 'treading under the precinium arch' is not only fantastic to see, but reminds me of my childhood.

Growing up, I was a 'shy kid'. (I know, hard to believe with me being on the radio!) So, my parents got me involved in music and drama. They encouraged me to audition for roles in productions at the prestigeous Players Guild of Dearborn - where such well-known actors as George Peppard, Chad Everett and Tom Skerrit first got their stage chops. Not only did I get over my shyness, but the experiences I had as a kid performing on stage still serve me well doing the radio thing and public appearances I make from time to time.

So I encourage you to go visit the Riverwalk Theatre and see the All-Of-Us-Express Children's Theatre production of "Jungle Book" tonight through May 4th. You'll help some kids get some life experiences
of performing for a live audience that will stay with them for a lifetime , and Miranda will be so pleased and proud. In the future I plan on sharing my childhood theatre experiences with the kids at All-Of-Us-Express Children's Theatre and giving them some pointers to help them be great Thespians.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Invasion of the Landscaper Army!

Well, if I needed a remainder that spring has sprung, I have it.

This morning during the show I took a peek outside around 8:30, and there they were... landscapers invading the fortress here on West Cavanaugh! A half-dozen of them... complete with three big trucks loaded with every piece of lawn and garden Tim Allen could dream about. Rakes, leaf blowers, edgers, trimmers, weed eaters... and mowers of every size, shape and fuel type. My testoserone levels rose to unmeasurable heights as I saw the piles of leaves blown about and the smell of weed-whipped weeds and grass filled the air.

Ah, yes... I love spring!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Turning the page...

Now that a couple weeks have passed since the 'change' in the morning on MIKE-FM, I've decided to implement a blog for the MIKE-FM Morning Show. I thought this would be a great way to involve you listeners with some dialog and open a new line of communication beyond the traditional 'over the radio' method. With the MIKE-FM website being all about keeping in touch with Lansing and Mid-Michigan via the internet, I figured what better way to extend this than to have a "MIKE'S MORNING SHOW BLOG". Ain't this new-fangled web thing a hoot!

As you probably have been aware, there has been a different 'sound' lately on the show - a very music intensive one. This is a transition period for the show while the powers that be at MIKE-FM decide on what will take place and who will host a new "MIKE'S MORNING SHOW". For now, I'm still here bringing you Mid-Michigan's best music mix in the morning along with quick checks of the sports and weather on the half-hour with Corin Jovelli bringing you the news headlines.

I've thrown my name into the ring, along with numerous others from a recent nationwide search, for consideration to be the new host of "MIKE'S MORNING SHOW". Right now the MIKE-FM decision-makers are going over all the candidates (including myself) and will begin narrowing the field down to finalists very soon.

I would be lying if I told you I'm not hoping that I get the hosting gig - for it has been a dream of mine to be a morning show host since I was a kid and met Detroit morning radio legend Dick Purtan for the first time at the old WKNR-Keener 13 studios in Dearborn at age 8. It was because of that meeting I became bitten by the 'radio bug' and eventually ended up working in the radio biz for 2 decades - first in Detroit for over 10 years and for the past 1 1/2 years here in Lansing at MIKE-FM. Since coming to Lansing I have grown to love it here. I've met many fantastic people and have enjoyed the sights, sounds, and great places that have made me proud to call Lansing home.

Whatever happens, I love being at MIKE-FM with some of the best radio people I've ever had a chance to work with, and hope to still be around. I appreciate all the emails I've recieved from listeners these past couple of weeks and all the kind words. Feel free to contact the 'powers that be' at MIKE-FM and let them know how you feel about what happens at MIKE'S MORNING SHOW (even if you don't want me as the new host - don't worry, I'm a big boy and I can take it...LOL). I'm sure they would appreciate it.

Have a great week... and enjoy the warm weather (finally!!!).